What Motivates People to Engage in Bridge Building?
Research has shown that people are often motivated to engage in bridge building across moral and political differences in four basic ways:
- To Avoid Harm – Some people are mostly motivated to reduce negative outcomes of toxic polarization;
- To Seek Solutions – Some people seek ideal positive outcomes through depolarization;
- By Getting it Right – Some people want to evaluate the best way to achieve depolarization before acting;
- By Just Getting it Done – Other people prefer to just get going – to move forward to "get it done."
Studies have found that people with stronger levels of each of these four motivational mindsets are more likely to engage in bridging activities - but only when the activities are framed in ways consistent (fitting) versus inconsistent (non-fitting) with their stronger motives.
In order to enhance levels of engagement with your bridge-building activities, take the following steps:
1. Employ these 4 short surveys (3 items each = total of 12 items) to measure the mindsets of potential participants by including them in your intake surveys (on your website or in your recruitment materials).
Avoiding Harm - Promotion Motivational Mindset
To what extent does each statement increase your willingness to engage in bridging activities to unite the country? (6-point scale from “Not at all” to “Extremely”)
- Bridging divides in our community will ensure a better future for the following generations.
Not at all | Very little | Somewhat | Moderately | Very much | Extremely |
- Bridging divides in our community will enhance everyone’s health and well-being.
Not at all | Very little | Somewhat | Moderately | Very much | Extremely |
- Bridging divides in our community will bring greater economic prosperity to the area.
Not at all | Very little | Somewhat | Moderately | Very much | Extremely |
Seeking Solutions - Prevention Motivational Mindset
To what extent does each statement increase your willingness to engage in bridging activities to unite the country? (6-point scale from “Not at all” to “Extremely”)
- The increasing number of Americans killed or injured in political conflict has to end.
Not at all | Very little | Somewhat | Moderately | Very much | Extremely |
- I don’t want my family members and loved ones to die or be harmed for any political cause.
Not at all | Very little | Somewhat | Moderately | Very much | Extremely |
- The more militant and extreme members of my own community make matters worse.
Not at all | Very little | Somewhat | Moderately | Very much | Extremely |
Getting it Right - Assessment Motivational Mindset
To what extent do you agree with each statement? (6-point scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”)
- I often feel that I am being evaluated by others.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Somewhat Disagree | Somewhat Agree | Agree | Strongly Agree |
- I often critique work done by myself or others.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Somewhat Disagree | Somewhat Agree | Agree | Strongly Agree |
- I am often very self-critical and self-conscious about what I am saying.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Somewhat Disagree | Somewhat Agree | Agree | Strongly Agree |
Just Getting it Done - Locomotion Motivational Mindset
To what extent do you agree with each statement? (6-point scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”)
- I am a “doer.”
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Somewhat Disagree | Somewhat Agree | Agree | Strongly Agree |
- I am a “go-getter.”
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Somewhat Disagree | Somewhat Agree | Agree | Strongly Agree |
- I enjoy actively doing things, more than just watching and observing.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Somewhat Disagree | Somewhat Agree | Agree | Strongly Agree |
2. Create 4 sets of promotional materials that frame your bridge-building activities in the following 4 ways:
3. Based on participants' scores, categorize them into one of the 4 categories (A, B, C, D)
4. Finally, offer each participant informational materials framed in a manner most consistent with their strongest mindset (A, B, C, D).
Click here to read the full article.