
Morton Deutsch

Founder of MD-ICCCR

The MD- ICCCR was founded in 1986 under the direction of Professor Emeritus Morton Deutsch, one of the world’s most respected scholars of conflict resolution. Professor Deutsch, an eminent social psychologist, has been widely honored for his scientific contributions involving research on cooperation and competition, social justice, group dynamics, and conflict resolution. He has published extensively and is well known for his pioneering studies in intergroup relations, social conformity, and the social psychology of justice. His books include: Interracial Housing Theories in Social Psychology (1965); The Resolution of Conflict Distributive Justice (1985); and The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (2000, 2006). Professor Deutsch’s work has been widely honored by such awards as the Kurt Lewin Memorial Award, the G.W. Allport Prize, the Carl Hovland Memorial Award, the APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, and the Distinguished Research Scientist Award. Dr. Deutsch has also been president of a variety of organizations including the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, the International Society of Political Psychology, and several Divisions of the APA. Morton Deutsch passed in 2017 at the age of 97.


Morton Deutsch’s Vita (PDF)

Distributive Justice

This book is concerned with the social psychology of distributive justice. The concept of distributive justice centers on the fairness of the distribution of the conditions and goods that affect individual well-being. Issues of distributive justice pervade social life. They occur not only at the societal level but also in intimate social relations. They may arise whenever something of value is scarce and not everyone can have what he wants, or whenever something of negative value (a cost, a harm) cannot be avoided by all. They also may be brought into play whenever there is an exchange in a relationship.

Click here for a pdf of this book.

Morton Deutsch's Publications

If you are a Columbia Student, Professor, or Staff Member (if you have a UNI), please click here for entry to The Gottesman Library’s Pocket Knowledge Database, where you can access all of Dr. Deutsch’s publications. You can browse alphabetically or by keyword.

If you do not have a Columbia University UNI, please feel free to access some of Dr. Deutsch’s publications directly below. Click the publication title to download a PDF of that article. Please enjoy!

A Comparative Experimental Study of Negotiation Behavior

A Critique of Equity Theory

A Framework for Teaching Conflict Resolution in Schools

A Framework for Thinking about Developing a Global Community

A Framework for Thinking about Oppression and its Change

A Personal History of Social Interdependence – Theory, Research, and Practice

A Personal Perspective on the Development of Social Psychology in the Twentieth Century

A Perspective on Conflict

A Proposal for Research into the Social, Psychological, and Education Effects of Introducing Cooperative Learning Into a School System

A Psychological Approach to International Conflict

A Theoretical Perspective on Conflict and Conflict Resolution

A Theory of Co-operation and Competition

A Theory of Cooperation – Competition and Beyond

A Tribute to Solomon Asch

  1. P.A. Citation – Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions

Altruism and Bargaining

An Experimental Study of Decision-Making and Marital Discord

An Experimental Study of the Effects of Co-operation and Competition among Group Process

An Exploratory Study of Marital Conflict

An Exploratory Study of the Meanings of Injustice and Frustration

APA Symposium – Conflict Resolution in the New Millennium

Averting World War III – An Interview with Morton Deutsch

Awakening the Sense of Injustice

Bargaining Behavior

Children’s Conceptions of International Relations – An Exploratory Study

Commentary – On Negotiating the Non-negotiable

Commentary – Cooperation: The Fragile State

Commentary on Morality, Decision Making, and Collateral Casualties

Comments on Kelly’s Comments

Comments on the Current Status of Social Psychology

Conditions Affecting Cooperation

Conflict and its Resolution

Conflict Resolution and Cooperative Learning in an Alternative High School

Conflict Resolution for Teachers

Conflict Resolution in Different Cultural Contexts

Conflict Resolution. Theory and Practice

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution – Strategies Inducing Cooperation

Conflict – A Social Psychological Perspective

Conflicts – Productive and Destructive

Constructive Conflict Management for the World Today

Constructive Conflict Resolution – Principles, Trainings, and Research

Cooperation and Competition

Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

Cooperation and Conflict – A Personal Perspective on the History of the Social Psychological Study

Cooperation and Trust – Some Theoretical Notes

Cooperation, Conflict, and Justice: In Theory and Practice

Cooperation, Conflict Resolution, and School Violence – A Systems Approach

Cooperative Behavior in Dyads

Council of the Wise Gulf War: Mediation Proposal by Deutsch and Gruber, 1991

Cultures of Peace: A Social Psychological Perspective

Cultures of Peace: Social-Psychological Foundations

Current Social Psychological Perspectives on Justice

Destructive Conflict and Oppression

Deutsch’s Ten Commandments Regarding Conflict Resolution

Developmental Changes in the Sense of Injustice and Frustration

Differences in Conceptual Structures of Nations: An Exploratory Study

Dissonance or Defensiveness

Divorce Therapy: An In-Depth Survey of Therapists’ Views

Educating Beyond Hate

Education and Distributive Justice

Effects of Incentive Magnitude on Cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game

Effects of Dissimilar Goal Orientation and Differing Expectation about the Partner on Cooperative Behavior in a Prisoners Dilemma Game

Effects of Strategy and Reward Structure on the Development of Cooperative

Effects of Training in Conflict Resolution and Cooperative Learning in an Alternative High School

Egalitarianism in the Laboratory and at Work

Enthusiasm for the Work

Equality and Economic Efficiency – Is There a Trade-Off?

Equity, Equality, and Meed – What Determines Which Value Will Be Used as the Basis of Distributive Justice?

European Journal of Social Psychology

Examples of School-Based Programs Involving Peaceful Conflict Resolution and Mediation Oriented to Overcoming Community Violence

Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of the Staff Process: A Survey of the Opinions of Experienced Staff Officers

Factors Influencing Threat Legitimacy

Field Theory and Projective Techniques

Field Theory in Social Psychology

Fifty Years in Conflict

Folie a deuz – A Psychological Perspective on Soviet-American Relations

Forms of Social Organization. Psychological Consequences

Friends of the ICCCR – International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

Goal Orientation, Mode of Payment, and the Distribution of Outcomes in Cooperative Groups

Going Beyond: Beyond Deterrence

Graduate Training of the Problem-Oriented Psychologist

Group Formation

Groups and Individual Behavior

Harry Levinson Award Address Before Division 13

Hate and Love: Destructive and Constructive Conflicts

Homans in the Skinner Box

Hope with Optimism: A Commentary on Brewster Smith’s Article

Human Dignity, Humiliation, and a Sustainable Peace

Interdependence and Psychological Orientation

Intergroup Conflict

Internal Properties of Groups and Intergroup Conflict

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Interracial Housing

Interview with Morton Deutsch (Jessica Wiederhorn – The Narrative Trust)

Introducing Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

Justice Across Cultures: A Three State Model for Intercultural Negotiation

Justice, Conflict, and Cooperation

Justice in the Crunch

Kurt Lewin: The Tough-Minded and Tender-Hearted Scientist

Leadership in the Small Group

Learning to Cope with Conflict and Violence: How Schools Can Help Youth

Locking-in Effects During a Game of Chicken

Love, Hate, and Other Forms of Intimate Interdependence

Lying and Telling the Truth as a Function of Cooperative and Competitive Orientations and Behaviors

Masochism in a Survivor of the Ghetto

Mediated Negotiations in Divorce and Labor Disputes

Mediation and Difficult Conflicts

Morton Deutsch_Chapter_in Making a Difference: The Greatest Living Behavior and Brain Scientists Talk About Their Most Important Contributions

On Changing an Adversary

On Cursing the Darkness versus Lighting a Candle

On Making Social Psychology More Useful

On Negotiating the Non-Negotiable

Oppression and Conflict

Perceived Dimensions of Interpersonal Relations

Preventing Armageddon

Preventing World War III – A Psychological Perspective

Producing Change in an Adversary

Professional Intervention in Divorce

Psychological Aspects of Ethno-Political Conflict

Psychological Consequences of Different Forms of Social Organization

Psychological Mistakes and International Affairs

Psychological Roots of Moral Exclusion

Reactions to Evaluations by Others as Influences by Self-Evaluators

Reconciliation after Destructive Intergroup Conflict

Recurrent Themes in the Study of Social Conflict

Reflections on Some Experimental Studies of Interpersonal Conflict

Research on the Effects of Training in Conflict Resolution and Cooperation

Resolving Conflicts at Work

Resolving Conflicts on the Job

Self-Direction in Learning as the Goal of Teaching

Series Research in Social Psychology

Sixty Years of Conflict

Social Discrimination on the Basis of Category Membership

Social Psychology’s Contributions to the Study of Conflict Resolution

Social Relations in the Classroom and Grading Procedures

Socially Relevant Research – Comments on Applied versus Basic Research

Socially Relevant Science – Reflections on Some Studies of Interpersonal Conflict

Some Comments on the Current Status of American Social Psychology

Some Consideration Relevant to National Policy

Some Guidelines for Developing a Creative Approach to Conflict

Some Possible Applications of Social Psychology to an Operating Company

Some Psychological Aspects of Social Interaction

Strategies of Including Cooperation

Strategies of Including Cooperation: Experimental Studies

Students’ Experiences in Behavior Settings of Large and Small High Schools

Subjective Features of Conflict Resolution – Psychological, Social, and Cultural

Techniques of Inducing Cooperation Between Adversaries

Tendencies to Compete and To Attache as a Function of Inspection, Incentive, and Available Alternatives

The Approach of Gestalt Theory

The Assessment of Conflict Resolution Programs

The Case for Equality – Research Results from the Laboratory and the Workplace

The Civilized Roots of Human Destructiveness

The Constructive Management of Conflict

The Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships

The Directions of Behavior: A Field-Theoretical Approach to the Understanding of Inconsistencies

The Effect of Motivational Orientation upon Trust and Suspicion

The Effect of Public Policy in Housing Projects upon Interracial Attitudes

The Effect of Threat upon Interpersonal Bargaining

The Effects of Cooperation and Competition upon Group Process

The Effects of Different Group Reward Systems

The Effects of Locking Oneself in During a Game of Chicken

The Effects of Role-reversal During the Discussion of Opposing Viewpoints

The Effects of Similarity and Sharing on Behavior in a PD Game

The Effects of Size of Conflict and Sex of Experimenter Upon Interpersonal Bargaining

The Effects of Training in Cooperative Learning and Conflict Resolution in an Alternative High School

The Effects of Victimization on Reactions to Other Victims

The Face of Bargaining

The Interplay Between Internal and External Conflict

The Interpretation of Praise and Criticism as a Function of Their Social Context

The Lessons of the Teachers’ Strike

The Malignant (Spiral) Process of Hostile Interaction

The Mediation of Inter-Ethnic Conflict

The Pathetic Fallacy – An Observer Error in Social Perception

The Prevention of World Way II – A Psychological Perspective

The Prevention of World War III – A Psychological Perspective

The Psychological Consequences of Different Forms of Social Organization (1987-1989)

The Resolution of Conflict

The Role of Clergy in Divorce: My Exploration Survey

The Role of Theory in Social Psychology

The Social-Psychological Study of Conflict Rejoinder to a Critique

Theorizing in Social Psychology

Toward an Understanding of Conflict

Trust and Suspicion

Trust, Trustworthiness, and the F Scale

Two Important but Neglected Ideas for Social Psychology as They Relate to Social Justice

Undoing Nuclear Insanity – A Psychological Perspective

Vietnam and the State of World War III – Some Psychological Parallels

What is Political Psychology

What Would Lewin Think about the Current Status of Social Psychology

William James – The First Peace Psychologist

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