Building a Bridge from Research to the Real World Faculty to Global Leaders Connects Leading Scholars with YPO and WPO Members Faculty to Global Leaders is a unique industry-faculty initiative with a far-reaching vision: connecting YPO-WPO with eight centers of excellence to create idea exchange at the frontier of the future.
Thinkers and doers, professors, and chief executives will be connected within a specific educational framework designed to encourage mutual transfer of ideas and knowledge. Professor Coleman, a world-renowned expert on conflict resolution, is professor of psychology and education at Columbia University, director of the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), Executive Director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation Conflict and Complexity (AC4) and on the faculties of Teachers College and The Earth Institute. Making Conflict Work: Harnessing the Power of Disagreement Argues that every work conflict is shaped by the same inescapable force: power. To turn any conflict to your advantage, you must first understand the true power dynamics at play. Making Conflict Work teaches you how to identify the nature of a conflict, determine your power position relative to your adversaries, and enact the best tactical approach for achieving your goals.
View the presentation here: Coleman YPO 2014