Sustainable Peace Goals Initiative
In recent years, and especially in the context of the development of the Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda, the absence of clear goals related to peace, justice, security, and human rights has become growingly noticeable. This is evident in many expert group discussions that are taking place in many international fora. One example is the recent study on the relationship between armed violence and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) achievement by the Geneva Declaration Secretariat, which highlighted a series of emerging associations and relationships between armed violence – particularly homicides and direct conflict deaths – and specific human development and MDG outcomes. Although data and research are limited, there is an emerging trend.
Based on decades of research on conflict intractability and drivers of peace, we are currently working on developing a novel framework of Sustainable Peace Goals that incorporates the peace dimension that has been missing in the broader notion of sustainable human development.
Conclusion: The Essence of Peace? Toward a Comprehensive and Parsimonious Model of Sustainable Peace
In Peter T. Coleman (Ed.), Psychological Components of Sustainable Peace
By Peter T. Coleman (2012)
The excellent chapters in this book offer a vast array of psychosocial conditions and processes which have been linked to sustainable peace. This concluding chapter offers a summary and synthesis of this research; highlighting the basic commonalities of the construct of sustainable peace that underlay the many aspects discussed in the book, and offering a more parsimonious model of sustainable peace, informed by dynamical systems theory, which conceptualizes the effects of the many component parts on increasing and decreasing the probabilities of stable dynamics of destructive conflict and peace.